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Shortly after construction was completed, the Transamazonian near Altimira Brazil, stretches through virgin rainforest.

A satellite view of the same area a few years later reveals an advancing wave of deforestation. Lots are parceled out to farmers along perpendicular access roads.

This once forested Madagascar landscape lies in ruins, unfit for man or beast. Similar scenes have appeared in dozens of other countries as Rainforest destruction exposes fragile soil to erosion.

A field biologist is dwarfed in the buttress folds of a giant kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) in Peru. Such trees contribute to the grandeur and mystique of virgin tropical forests, but most of the trees in these forests are comparatively slender.

In the mist of dawn a giant kapok (Ceibaa pentandra) spreads massive limbs over dozens of lesser trees in this Peruvian floodplain forest


An aerial view of an Amazonian whitewater river meandering through its broad floodplain.

South America's Amazon basin is obscured by smoke from the clearing and burning of tropical forest....The smoke cloud observed during this mission was the largest and densest yet seen by astronauts. If placed over the United States, it would have covered an area of the country more than three times the size of Texas.

Streaks of gray in the earth's atmosphere show the magnitude and number of rainforest fires burning in this view over South America shown below.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of white streaks in the photo below indicate the multitude of fires burning in this view over Indonesian Borneo.
The following photo shows about 250 miles of fires burning along Mozambique's coast line.
Ground features are almost completely obscured by smoke over the Amazon.
In Tanzania, the burning of brush clears more land for farming.
Along the Zambezi River Delta of East Africa, smoke and smoke plumes can be seen from space in the photo below.
Nothing beats the power of a good photograph. Reading about rainforest deforestation doesn't have the same impact as a picture of native indians walking through recently burnt rainforest.

Part I: Rainforests Biodiversity
Part II: Scale of Destruction
Part III: Rainforests Solutions
Part IV: Top 10 Things to Do

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