The Number One Issue Facing Humanity
Mark Elsis
and the staff of LOVEARTH®.net
Our Current Rate
Of Mass Species Extinctions
Due To Rainforests Destruction
Point For Homo Sapiens
Occur Between 2012 - 2016

This we know:
The earth does not belong to man,
man belongs to the earth.
All things are connected
like the blood that unites us all.
Man did not weave the web of life,
he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself.
Chief Seattle
Citizen of Earth
November 1, 1999
most important piece of Rainforests Destruction information
to understand is this:
no action is taken, between 2012 and 2016 the land area of virgin
Rainforests will go below the critical built-in natural safeguard
threshold providence of 10% virgin Rainforests area with its
50% species remaining.
This issue of Rainforests destruction and mass species extinctions
is the # 1 issue facing humanity. We may have as little as 5
years to create the awareness to completely stop Rainforests
destruction before this momentum brings us through our Omega
was formed 11 years ago with the intent to bring awareness to
the devastating effects which humanity is inflicting on our
beautiful planet. The 6 billion people now living on Earth are
already far beyond its carrying capacity.
reckless expansion into wilderness areas is causing countless
atrocities to all life sustaining ecosystems. The virgin Rainforests
are home to 61.8% of all the biological diversity on Earth.
In this, the richest environment for life, we are destroying
a land area which is equivalent to the size of the city of Tokyo
Japan ( 240 square miles ) every day. This equals 6417 acres
per hour, 107 acres per minute or 1.78 acres per second.
destruction of virgin Rainforests land area causes somewhere
between 93 and 1609 Rainforests species extinctions per day.
The wide disparity of these species extinction numbers is because
of 4 variables
the best scientific consensus has yet to agree upon.
believe, based on the Fibonacci series of numbers which are
found throughout nature, that there are approximately 560 Rainforests
species extinctions per day.
This equals one Rainforests species extinction every 2 minutes
and 33 seconds.
are but a strand in the fabric of life, all intricately interdependent
on one another. And yet here we are, in the mere geological
blink of an eye, eroding the very foundation of our own existence
with mass species extinctions. This 6th great mass extinction
period on Earth that we are insanely causing by the suicidal
annihilation of the Web of Life, will very soon bring about
our own extinction.
1992 some 1,700 of the world's leading scientists, including
the majority of the most intellectually elite people on Earth,
the living Nobel Laureates in the Sciences, signed the document
World Scientists' Warning To Humanity. It states, "Human
beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human
activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the
environment and on critical resources... and may so alter the
living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner
that we know."
Omega Point is the point in time, when all of the devastation
we have inflicted over the years to our life support ecosystems
finally becomes too much and they irreversibly fail, no longer
able to sustain Homo Sapiens. What this translates into for
our future generations is an ever increasingly nightmarish slippery
slope to extinction.
If we are going to survive, it is imperative that we change
our ways completely and change them right now. As Albert Einstein
said, "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking
if mankind is to survive."
at Oregon State University and other agencies have published
a new report in the journal Science outlining the risks
facing the Brazilian
Amazon Rainforests during the next 20 years. |
Click images to enlarge
of the types of aggressive deforestation done in recent years
in Brazil in the name of economic development.
current level of forest cover now remaining in the Brazilian
study concluded provides an "optimistic" and "non-optimistic"
scenario that predicts Brazilian Rainforests degradation by
In these images, black is heavily degraded, including savannas
and other non-forested areas; while red is moderately degraded;
yellow is lightly degraded; and green is pristine. Under the
non-optimistic scenario, which is the current path we are on,
there will only be 5% virgin rainforests remaining by 2020.
By 2013 we will break through the critical built in barrier
of mother nature, the 10% virgin rainforests land area and 50%
species safeguard threshold providence.
I - continued
Part I: Rainforests Biodiversity
Part II: Scale of Destruction
Part III: Rainforests Solutions
Part IV: Top 10 Things to Do
Rainforests Biodiversity Scale Of Destruction
Synopsis at: ExtinctionForDummies.net
Land Areas Destroyed Yearly
Cities Land Areas Destroyed Daily
Rainforests Variables and Math
Pictures of Rainforests Beauty
Pictures of Rainforests Destruction
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Person Of The Year
Award For 2001 Goes To
Intel Co-Founder Gordon Moore Who Is Giving $261 Million To
Save Species